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當年在NLPU上課時,有一位NLP Coach,Kris Hallbom的故事。


在與 Tim 合作引導與努力下,綜合使用NLP技術、催眠、以及其他配套性的生活改善;經過16 天後再檢查,Kris的症狀有明顯的改善,健康進步了不少,經過20年,還在台上活蹦亂跳地分享她的經歷,也將她自癒治癒的過程模組化,成為另一項推廣的課程。


以下是他們稱之為《奇蹟食譜》(Recipe of a Miracle by Kris and Tim Hallbom) 的重要事項。


  1. 對你的情況負責,而不是成為它的受害者。
    Take responsibility for your situation and don't be a victim of it. 

  2. 不要讓你的負面問題或情況,主宰你的日常思想生活。 做出有意識的決定,讓自己有更好的態度,並開始尋找生活中的美好事物。
    Don’t let your negative problem or situation, dominate your daily thought ad life. Make a conscious decision to have a better attitude and start looking for what is good in your life.

  3. 透過建立一張感謝所有人事物的感謝列表,每天表達您的感激之情。
    Express your gratitude daily, by creating a gratitude list of all the people and things you are grateful. 

  4. 設定你想要的目標,取代你的問題情況。
    Set a goal for what you would like to have instead of your problem situation. 

  5. 將你的問題情況或條件,重新命名為更積極的形式。
    Rename your problem situation or condition into something more positive. 

  6. 建立你的支持團隊,來幫助你實現目標或實現夢想。
    Create a support team to help you accomplish your goal or reach your dream. 

  7. 花點時間仔細思考一下,你想怎麼告訴別人你現在的情況,並決定你想要說一個怎樣的故事。 (兩個版本的故事:你告訴自己的那個,和你與他人分享的那個。)
    Take some time to carefully think through what you want to tell people about your situation, and decide what you want your ongoing story to be. (the one you tell yourself and the one you share with others.) 

  8. 盡可能地開始多做NLPDSR和其他改變工作,以及你可以做的任何其他各種能讓你自己和你的情況感覺更好事情。
    Start doing as much NLP, DSR, and other change work as you can, along with any other things you can do to make you feel better about your and your situation. 

  9. 創造並發展一個支持你實現目標或夢想的核心關鍵問題。
    Create and develop a core question that supports you in achieving your goal or dream. 

  10. 發展一個積極肯定或具治癒感的口頭禪,讓你可以一遍又一遍地說。
    Develop a positive affirmation or healing mantra that you can say over and over. 

  11. 祈禱,冥想和視覺化。
    Pray, Meditate, and Visualize. 

  12. 改善你的生活方式。
    Improve your lifestyle. 

  13. 每天做紀錄。
    Journal every day. 

  14. 盡可能花多一些時間,讓自己身處自然和鍛煉之中。 學會臨在,並沈澱安靜你的心。
    Spend as much time as you can in nature and exercising. Learn to be present, and to quite your mind. 

  15. 如果可以,離你的電腦與電子郵件遠點。
    Stay off the computer and email if you can. 

  16. 看些令人振奮和積極的正能量電影和電視節目,並聆聽讓你有好感覺的音樂。
    Watch movies and TV shows that are uplifting and positive, and listen to music that makes you feel good. 

  17. 為自己創造一個引人注目的未來。
    Create a compelling future for yourself. 

  18. 嘗試去做任何現在仍然帶給你快樂的日常活動。
    Try to do any kind of daily activity that still brings you joy such as. 

  19. 在你的居所,設立一個專屬於你的神聖私人空間。
    Set up a sacred or personal space where you live. 

  20. 確定每天都要看到最好的。
    Be sure to look the best you can every day. 

  21. 維持正負頻譜的兩端。(誠實全面看待生命)
    Hold both ends of the spectrum. 

  22. 生活在一種感恩的狀態,並祝福你周圍的一切。
    Live in a state of gratitude and bless everything around you. 

  23. 發展一種信念,宇宙中有比你更大的東西,可以幫助你快速治癒自己。
    Develop a belief there is something a bigger than you in the Universe that can help you quickly heal yourself. 

  24. 放手,並相信你會取得成果。
    Let go and trust that you will achieve your outcome. 

  25. 如果你不喜歡你的所在,那麼就起身吧! 採取行動!
    If you don’t like where you are, then get up and move! Take Action!



    NLP 奇蹟食譜

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